小肥锅”是一家 2019 年在马六甲开业的迷你火锅专卖店。餐厅主打单人火锅,并提倡一人一锅,卫生干净的概念,而且还提供多种食材及汤底,以满足消费者的需求。
Little Fat Pot is a mini hot pot restaurant located at Malacca. The restaurant focuses on individual hot pot, and advocates the concept of one person one pot and also provides a variety of premium ingredients and soup base to meet the customer's satisfaction.
Get your Menu now!
精选汤底 Premium soup base
精选汤底 Premium soup base
店家推荐 Special Series
店家推荐 Special Series
高级进口食材 Premium seafood series
高级进口食材 Premium seafood series
小肥锅 x 囍叁茶季促销活动 Little Fat Pot X Heesan Chatei promotion event
小肥锅 x 囍叁茶季促销活动 Little Fat Pot X Heesan Chatei promotion event
新鲜自热小火锅 Instand hot pot
新鲜自热小火锅 Instand hot pot
外带肉片 Take away sliced meat
外带肉片 Take away sliced meat
精选凉饮 Premium cool drink
精选凉饮 Premium cool drink
Main Office
Address: 17, Jalan KPKS 7, Kompleks Perniagaan Al-azim, 75200 Kota Syahbandar, Melaka, Malaysia.



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