Little Fat Pot Menu
小肥锅”是一家 2019 年在马六甲开业的迷你火锅专卖店。餐厅主打单人火锅,并提倡一人一锅,卫生干净的概念,而且还提供多种食材及汤底,以满足消费者的需求。
Little Fat Pot is a mini hot pot restaurant located at Malacca. The restaurant focuses on individual hot pot, and advocates the concept of one person one pot and also provides a variety of premium ingredients and soup base to meet the customer's satisfaction.

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Main Office
Address: 17, Jalan KPKS 7, Kompleks Perniagaan Al-azim, 75200 Kota Syahbandar, Melaka, Malaysia.


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